Rethink Your Nighttime Habits for Daytime Health

We meet a lot of people who are tired of feeling tired! We understand. Waking up exhausted after a fitful night’s sleep, night after night, is miserable. And we know how important sleep is for overall health. So getting into a pattern of sleeplessness is also stressful. Here are our top tips for setting up healthy nighttime habits to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

Be consistent

Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. If you’re working for the weekend, this may not be music to your ears. But it will seriously help in regulating your sleep cycle and waking up refreshed in the morning.

Start small. Shift your bedtime by making changes in ten-minute increments. Do the same thing with your morning alarm clock. And when you’re starting a new routine, try to be consistent three days per week, and then move to four days, and so on.

Set time to wind down

It’s not easy to go to sleep immediately after a day of frenetic activity: from work to exercise to making dinner to taking care of kids or running errands. Make sure you allow yourself some down time at the end of each day to relax, let your mind rest, and start slowing down. Ideally, you have about 30 minutes before bed without screens to read or meditate. If you find your mind racing, try writing down what’s worrying you in the form of a journal or a to-do list.

Drop the temp

Your body prepares for sleep when the temperature drops by a few degrees. Set your thermostat to cool down your bedroom early, so that by the time you’re ready to begin your nighttime routine, your bedroom is already at sleeping temperature.

If you sleep hot and that’s making it hard to go to sleep or stay asleep, try cooling sheets or a mattress made with temperature-regulating foam.

Put and end to the afternoon caffeine

Caffeine comes in many familiar forms: coffee, soda, and tea. But it can also surprise you in desserts and cocktails, so be mindful of what you’re consuming, especially when you eat out. Late-afternoon caffeine can impact your ability to get to sleep, so try to avoid caffeinated beverages (or food) after noon.

Get moving

Exercise is a great way to get your body tired and spend some time de-stressing. Whether it’s through a fitness class, or a walk, jog or bike ride outdoors, getting active during the day can improve your night.

Find a time for exercise that’s convenient for you, whether it’s morning or evening or in between. There’s not much evidence that any specific time is best — some people aren’t kept awake when they exercise in the evening, it really depends on your body — so find a schedule that works for you. The best plan is one that you can stick to!

Make your bedroom a place for rest

Create a place where you want to sleep and where your body knows it will get its best sleep. Many of your bedroom decisions, like decor and mattress type, are personal. But there are a few things you can do to make your bedroom a place to get to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

First, remove distractions. The most common distraction is the television, but these days, you can watch shows or movies or social media on your laptop, tablet, or phone. Try removing those from your bedroom, too, or at least try plugging your phone into an outlet across the room so you can’t just reach for it if you wake up in the middle of the night.

Second, make sure you have a bed that works for you. If you’re waking up with aches or sore muscles, your mattress might be the problem. In that case, you know where to find us! Our sleep experts are here to make sure you don’t lose sleep on account of your mattress.

Mattress Man